Top 10k strings from Black Planet - Intro (1983)(Phipps Associates).z80
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2 '"Use cursor keys to move." 2 Bellatrix" 1 was invented. The device was then dismantled and placed 1 has spread its Empire to a 1 _";" (red flashing)" 1 _";" (no red flashing)" 1 STARMAGON 1 ;"stamped addressed envelope"; 1 ;"THE BLACK PLANET" 1 ;"SUMMARY"'' 1 ;"Press any key to continue": 1 ;"Press a key"; 1 ;" 999 999 1 ;" 7 210/210 Worden" 1 ;" 6 180/180 Yuan" 1 ;" 5 150/150 Castor" 1 ;" 4 120/120 Gemma" 1 ;" 3 90/90 1 ;" 2 60/60 1 ;" 1 30/30 1 ;" 0 0/0 1 1983 Phipps Associates 1 ) from where they operate to prey on traders." 1 '';"~p~ to hyper jump"'"~k~ to set coords"'"Cursor keys to set helm" 1 '';"PLANET 1 BLUE BELLATRIX" 1 '';"NORMAL FLIGHT" 1 '';"It is coming to the end of the 21st. Century, the planet 1 '';"Helm Target Nose Dist- Shield Cds Cds Cone ance Strgth" 1 '';"BATTLE STATIONS" 1 '';"Author B.G.Cornhill" 1 ''"~p~ to hyperjump" 1 ''"Your long range sensors will give you an audible and visual warning. You CANNOT alter your coords or change direction 1 ''"You will see a ~+~ near the 1 ''"You will not be able to make planetary orbit until your 1 ''"When your helm and target coordshave been lined up and your 1 ''"Use keys 1-6 as follows:"''" 1 - down left"'" 2 - down right"'" 3 - up left"'" 4 - up right"'" 5 - left"'" 6 - right" 1 ''"Use keys 1 to 6 and ENTER to move:"''" 1 - down left"'" 2 - down right"'" 3 - up left"'" 4 - up right"'" 5 - left"'" 6 - right"'''"These directions are repeated inthe main game." 1 ''"Use cursor keys to move: 1 ''"Use cursor keys to move and ~0~ to stun MAGGON" 1 ''"Use cursor keys to manoeuvre." 1 ''"Use cursor keys to manoeuvre" 1 ''"Use cursor keys to alter the gunsight position"''"~0~ to fire" 1 ''"To do this you must first set your target coordinates then setyour ship's helm to read the same figures." 1 ''"This planet belongs to the 1 ''"This is the only way to reduce your distance (shown immediatelyto the right of the nose cone) to zer0 and allow the docking orlanding processes to work." 1 ''"The Rigellions are a shy, dull- witted but courageous race who are very fast on their feet."''"They attack intruders by rushingat them and squashing them flat." 1 ''"Since the starbase is painted black to be difficult to see, you have to dock by radar. You need the starbase to replenish your shields." 1 ''"STARBASE"''"Use cursor keys as RETROS"'"Use ~l~ when contact speed is between +/- 5 metres per sec." 1 ''"Pressing ~p~ allows a hyperjump,moving you forward in distances of 50 parsecs. Be careful not toovershoot your destination." 1 ''"PLANET 7 White WORDEN" 1 ''"PLANET 6 Yellow YUAN" 1 ''"PLANET 5 Cyan CASTOR" 1 ''"PLANET 4 Green GEMMA" 1 ''"PLANET 3 Magenta MARKAB" 1 ''"PLANET 2 RED RIGEL" 1 ''"N.B."'" " 1 ''"Move forward use ~z~"'"Move back use ~x~"'"Shoot left use ~n~"'"Shoot right use ~m~" 1 ''"Markab's surface is covered in ablack sea of boiling mud. How- ever there are certain areas of hard surface where it is safe toleave a piece of the Key." 1 ''"Lower screen display" 1 ''"Just before the torpedo hits youit will become invisible but it can be destroyed at that precisemoment." 1 ''"Jump off the cliff using ~6~ andtry to land in the boat. At the right moment, jump out of the boat into the cave using ~8~. Jump back into the boat using ~5~. Then at the right spot justbefore going under the cliff hit~7~ to stop the boat (this 1 ''"Jump off cliff ~6~"'"Jump into cave ~8~"'"Jump into boat from cave ~5~"'"Rocket back up to ledge ~7~" 1 ''"In return, you will receive a free 'STARFLEET COMMANDER' badgeproclaiming your heroic deed to the galaxy!" 1 ''"In order to replenish your 1 ''"In order to obtain the seven pieces of the KEY you must land on all 7 planets and carry out certain tasks." 1 ''"For a summary of the controls press any key" 1 ''"First set your target coords by pressing key 'k' and release thekey when the desired figures aredisplayed immediately to the left of the nose cone." 1 ''"Colour indicators" 1 ''"Castor has a very hostile envir-onment. The rain is acid, the sea contains concentrated hydro-fluoric acid, and the area 1 ''"After countdown has been comp- leted a flashing radar display will show your ship (a green square), concentric rings with your target centre in magenta and your fuel status, contact speed and drift (a negative 1 ''"A piece of machinery has been entrusted to MAGGON, a nasty horrible thing who likes eating people - especially Earthmen." 1 ''" Your spy network has found the locations of these planets and now all you have to do is visit them and obtain the seven piecesof the 1 ''" You are 1 ''" The various conditions are:"''" 1 ''" Since the pirate planet has no sun, its detection in the wastesof space is virtually impossiblebut this strength is also its weakness." 1 ''" No. COORDS 1 ''" In order to find their planet aspecial device known as the 1 ''" PHIPPS ASSOCIATES"'" 172 Kingston Road,"'" Ewell,"'" Surrey KT21 0SD" 1 '"You have the opportunity to quitand try again some other time. You cannot re-visit a planet on which you have successfully 1 '"You have managed to sneak up to the corridor but as soon as you try and move forward to get the piece they will suddenly appear and shoot at you- you must shootfirst." 1 '"You have dropped a boat into thesea but unfortunately the acid has corroded the controls and the boat is wandering up and down of its own volition." 1 '"This planet is in fact part of an enormous power generating system for a solar system to which YUAN belongs." 1 '"This planet is a pirate outpost.They have placed this piece of the Key in a corridor which 1 '"Send this codeword, along with a"; 1 '"If your shield strength drops tozer0 you have lost. Destroying the enemy ship also nullifies the torpedo, but hitting the torpedo does not damage the 1 '"He cannot be killed! However he can be stunned, but only from close quarters. Use cursor keys to move and ~0~ to stun. If yourgun has been effective you will hear a double sound." 1 '"All you have to do is hurry to MAGGON's lair take the piece of the Key and exit from where you came in." 1 '"All you have to do is dash 1 "You must get into the little room containing the piece of thedevice, then return to your 1 "With derring-do you have to 1 "When you reach the BLACK PLANET after getting all 7 pieces of the Key you will enter the GrandFinale!!" 1 "When you have got the piece of the Key you must return un- scathed to the chamber at the bottom of the screen." 1 "Unfortunately this act costs thelife of the crew member who 1 "To get to the cave and back on the ledge again you must do the following:-" 1 "This planet's geosphere is 1 "The surface is covered with 1 "The safe areas are not very 1 "The piece of the Key has been placed in a cave. The nearest you could get to it is on a 1 "The main game is on Side B of the cassette, and can be loaded independently of these instruc- tions by entering the command:"''" LOAD ""PLANET"""''''"Now turn the tape over and pressa key to load the game..." 1 "The enemy will attack from any one of 4 directions - look care-fully, because of the distances they are difficult to see at first." 1 "The enemy also uses forward pro-jection, and sometimes if you fire just behind the attacking ship you will destroy the real invisible ship." 1 "The colour of each planet is thesame as its coord number (e.g Bellatrix, No. 1, is Blue). If you don't wish to land then you simply enter a new target coord." 1 "PLANET 7 White WORDEN" 1 "PLANET 6 Yellow YUAN" 1 "PLANET 5 Cyan CASTOR" 1 "PLANET 4 Green GEMMA" 1 "PLANET 3 Magenta MARKAB" 1 "PLANET 2 RED RIGEL" 1 "PLANET 1 BLUE BELLATRIX" 1 "Next you must point your ship inthe right direction by using thearrow keys to separately match the X/Y helm coords to the 1 "NORMAL FLIGHT."; 1 "If you run out of fuel or hit the starbase too hard you will lose the game." 1 "If you land you must try and getthe piece of the KEY. All you have to do is move onto the areaholding the piece and exit as instructed. If you fail, then one crew member is lost - you start with 30." 1 "However, because any"'"progressive society requires thetransfer of goods etc. by trade,and because of the vast distan- ces involved and the inherent criminal mind, policing the 1 "However you can still hyperjump to try and shake off the pir- ates, although they have very good tracking systems and will almost always follow you." 1 "Do you want the summary on the screen or printer? (P/S):"; 1 "Destination achieved"; 1 "DOCKING STARBASE"; 1 "Certain criminal elements have set their base on a secret BLACKPLANET (the planet has no 1 "By using the cursor keys to fireyour retro rockets and hitting ~0~ when your contact speed is between +5 & -5 metres a second a successful docking will be achieved irrespective of your side drift." 1 "Because the electronic balance is so precise your body movementcan affect the magnetic fields controlling the plates and slow the motion down briefly." 1 "BATTLE STATIONS"; 1 "At certain points in their 1 "All you have to do is try and out-guess FLANG by entering a chamber in which you think he will not activate the vapouriser"'"He can only move to a chamber next door to the one he has justactivated." 1 " You will of course come under attack as you travel since the pirates have heard of your 1 " There now follows a descriptionof what you must do to control your ship, how to fight the 1 " The pirates also have diff- iculty in finding their base andany contact by hyper-radio or other system can be detected." 1 " No. COORDS Name"'' 1 " Key Action"'" z Move forward"'" x Move back"'" n Shoot left"'" m Shoot right" 1 " If you succeed in getting all seven parts of the 1 " If you have correctly carried out your task a secret code 1 " 7 210/210 Worden" 1 " 6 180/180 Yuan" 1 " 5 150/150 Castor" 1 " 4 120/120 Gemma" 1 " 3 90/90 1 " 2 60/60 1 " 1 30/30 1 " 0 0/0 1 word will appear." 1 troughs of liquid oxygen used asa superconductor to transfer theenergy created by the moving plates of nutronium." 1 they fervently defend." 1 target coords. These appear on the extreme left of the screen." 1 taken the piece of the KEY. Eachtime you succeed you will noticea corresponding colour code 1 strength is shown on the far right of the screen as a %." 1 spaceways is a difficult task." 1 ships computers will automatic- ally put you in orbit around theBLACK PLANET." 1 shields you must make a safe docking at Starbase (coordinates0/0). Your current shield 1 sensors stop flashing." 1 rocky overhang opposite the caveseparated by an acid sea." 1 planets." 1 planets. By pressing ~0~ a MIND BOMB is activated revealing for an instant the position of the path." 1 pirates, a description of each planet, and a summary to copy orprint of all the controls." 1 original entry point at the bot-tom left-hand corner of the 1 on seven secret planets. The pirates know how to get on and off these planets with safety." 1 narrow strips separated by 1 large so you can only land near to the piece. You must now try to find the hidden path - use the cursor keys to move. You have one additional item to helpyou - the MIND BOMB." 1 intentions. You will also need to survive the seven adventures awaiting you on the secret 1 in order to 1 forward, grab the piece and run back. Your tricorder will warn you a split second before an attack is carried out by a 1 fairly large portion of the 1 emits the bomb." 1 during this phase." 1 drift is towards the left)." 1 distance has been reduced to zer0 you will arrive at a planetor within the vicinity of the starbase." 1 destroys the boat's engines) androckets you to safety using yourbackpack." 1 cross one of these troughs usingthe plates, get the piece of theKey and then return. If you fallinto the lox you will perish." 1 controlled by psychokinetics andnot by gravity as with most 1 comes towards you, and unless either the ship is destroyed or you hit the torpedo with your lasers, your ship's shields willbe damaged. Use the cursor keys to move the gunsight and the ~0~key to fire." 1 chosen by the pirates is coveredin jagged mountains." 1 change in note and a red warningsquare at the top of the screen." 1 centre of the screen. This is your gun-sight which only be- comes operable during Battle Status." 1 approach they will set loose an energy torpedo that rapidly 1 appear at the base of the nose cone." 1 Use ~l~ to activate a MIND BOMB" 1 Starbase" 1 Planet landing" 1 Normal flight"'" 1 Instructions 1 Galaxy. "; 1 Galactic Patrol whose job it is to rid the spacelanes of these interstellar muggers." 1 FLANGERS who are looking after apiece of the Key for the pir- ates. They have placed it in an underground cave system and lefta computer known as FLANG on guard." 1 Docking"'" 1 Battle stations"'" 1 999 999% 999 999" 1 (Starbase)" 1 the BLACK PLANET." 1 The Black Planet 1 By B.G. Cornhill